APS Redistricting Process for K-8 Schools

The community filled the Robb Center on Thursday, November 14, 2024 to learn more and share their thoughts about the redistricting process with the district’s consultant, DillingerRAD. If you weren’t able to attend or just want to review the information- Dillinger’s presentation is posted and AndoverTV has provided a recording of the forum below.

Presentations & Information


When Andover Public Schools submitted its application to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) for funding support in 2018, the district saw the West Elementary School building project as an opportunity to approach the project for the benefit of Andover’s entire elementary program. In this application, APS noted that if a new West Elementary School was built, the district would redistrict the other four elementary schools in such a way that each school’s enrollment is most effectively aligned with its capacity.

On November 21, 2024, the School Committee hosted a workshop from DillingerRAD to receive an update on the redistricting process, review community survey results and next steps. DillingerRAD is the consultant who will be supporting the district to analyze data in the redistricting process. The presentation from this workshop is available for review here.

In Spring 2025, the School Committee will review the proposed redistricting options and vote on the preferred redistricting plan. The approved redistricting plan will be implemented in the 2026-27 school year. This allows the district sufficient time to operationally plan for the new school zones.

The redistricting process is a work in progress to develop a long-term plan for the future. The plan is intended to help address anticipated growth in Andover that could impact our students’ educational environment for years to come.

The entire community of Andover needs to be involved in developing the plan to make this project a success.

Dillinger One Page

APS Enrollment v. Capacity

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